A Complete Guide to Create SEO Content in 2022: On Page SEO Step by Step

A Complete Guide to Create SEO Content in 2022: On Page SEO Step by Step

This is a complete guide to creating SEO content. In fact, with the methods, I'm about to outline, you can achieve Google Page 1 rankings for difficult-to-rank keywords. Also, this guide will help you how to do on-page SEO that ranks well on search engines. 

Online content using SEO is written to rank well enough in search results (like Google). Additionally, content that is written for SEO is frequently focused on a certain term. A well-thought-out and considered content strategy is crucial if you want some big wins with your SEO strategy. 

So you'll like today's guide if you really want to know about creating SEO content and on-page SEO.

So let's get started without further ado!

What Is SEO Content?

Everything that is informative and adds to the user experience on your page is considered content.

Infographics, videos, and photographs can all be used as content. For the purposes of this post, though, we're referring to SEO content and copywriting that will keep visitors to your website returning until they make a purchase. Content marketing is another name for this.

The Most Popular Types of SEO Content

To assist you in getting started, we've chosen the10 most common categories of SEO content. The reason why this content is so well-liked is that it works.

Always remember that they will only perform if your reader thinks they do. Your choice of content will depend on both your own and your reader's goals.

Consider SEO content to be a toolset. Your tools are different content types. You will be able to choose the right tool and when to use it after reading this article.

The 10 types of content we'll discuss here are as follows:
  • Blog Post
  • Short-Form Content
  • Long-Form Content
  • Pillar and Evergreen Content
  • Photo and Visual Galleries
  • Content for Social Channels
  • Data-led Content
  • Infographics
  • Thought Leadership
  • Press Coverage

Blog Post

The blogs of 2000 are not the blogs of today. A blog is your chance to present your brand to your followers, establish yourself as an authority in your sector, and rank higher on Google. It is no more just a place for you to post your ideas in public.

Short Form Content

Less can be more on occasion. Any written material with fewer than 1,500 words is considered short-form content. For product descriptions, marketing emails, landing pages, and succinct, to-the-point blog pieces, you might employ short-form content.

Long Form Content

Over 1,500 words are considered long-form content. ebooks and in-depth blog posts are examples of long-form content.
Longer content is generally better for SEO. Crawlers from Google prefer to see in-depth analyses of single topics (read: keyword).

Pillar and Evergreen Content

The phrase "pillar content" is excellent. Long-form material that targets higher-level keywords supplemented by shorter content that targets long-tail keywords is exactly what it sounds like.

Evergreen content, or material that endures over time, should always be a pillar. For instance, news items can become outdated within a week. Even though pillar content may (and it should) be upgraded often, it should nevertheless be helpful for a very long time.

Photo and Visual Galleries

Using keyword titles and alt tags, you may optimize photos for higher SEO ranks. You can either directly embed videos onto a website or connect to a third-party provider (such as YouTube or Vimeo;) A particular kind of video that frequently features live interaction is a webinar.

Content for Social Channels

Although your Instagram posts won't always appear in Google search results, you should still optimize them to appear there.

Short-form social media content that uses your higher level and long-tail keywords make it easier for people to find your content. They can (and ought to) be used as hashtags as well.

How does content from social media improve SEO? Although social networking does not directly impact your website's SEO, it can increase the discoverability of your content and encourage links.

Data-led Content

You can move your content from average to page one of the SERPs with the aid of recent and trustworthy data. Content based on data might be long-form or short-form. It is only essential that this is based on the knowledge regarding your potential customers as well as search trend data.

You can save time and money on content creation, which is one of the main advantages of data-led content. Shooting in the dark is not required. Data reveals just which keywords you should target at what time.


Though many people adore the printed word, more people now favor reading material that is more digestible. They have that chance thanks to infographics, which are visual summaries of data that would have required several thousand words to describe in an article. Infographics have a greater potential of going viral and serving as a legitimate source of backlinks because readers are more willing to share them.

Thought Leadership

When reading content written by a layperson versus an expert, readers can see the difference right away. It can be found in the information given in the piece as well as the author's cool, assured tone.

Within your business and community, there are experts. A great technique to produce original material that nobody else has is through interviews or guest blogs. Thought leadership content offers your readers distinctive insights that will keep them coming back for more because it is informed by the best.

Thought leadership not only increases trust and facilitates community engagement. SEO is also aided.

Trending Content

Trending subjects may not survive for very long, but their popularity is frequently sufficient to quickly increase traffic to your website. You can advertise current products or launch new ones by using popular content.

Use breaking news and trending subjects to draw in more readers and high-quality links if you time your material properly. "Newsjacking" is the term for this method.

On-Page SEO: The Complete Guide to Ranking Higher Fast (2022)

You will first study the fundamentals of this on-page SEO instruction before creating and optimizing your content.

So let's learn more about this kind of SEO and discover its significance.

What is On-Page SEO?

What is On-Page SEO

Individual web pages are optimized for on-page SEO to achieve high search engine rankings. You can increase relevant traffic this way. And I enjoy that about it! On-page elements are all those that fall under your domain as the website owner.

Your web pages' on-page optimization comprises the following:
  • Word totals.
  • Content organization.
  • clarity and applicability.
  • Detail and originality.
  • Suitable connections (inbound & outbound).
  • Tables, images, and other such components.
  • there are bullets, headings, and more.
The list keeps on. All of these on-page components require optimization for search engines. But bear in mind that today, ranking well also depends heavily on off-page characteristics like backlinks.

On-page optimization's strength, though, is in its ability to benefit end-users.

Why On-Page SEO Matters

One of the simplest ways to increase the exposure of your website is through on-page SEO, which is why it's crucial. Search engines can understand exactly what your article is like when you customize your web pages.

With on-page SEO, you facilitate the ranking of your pages by search engines like Google.

What function do search engines like Google perform? Based on the user's question, it should provide the most pertinent information.

You will achieve a high ranking if you satisfy the users' needs. So as an outcome, you'll earn a sizable profit. It occurs as a result of the marketers' ability to present pertinent adverts on your pages.

Throughout this sector, relevance is significant and is related to on-page optimization. Without relevancy, you won't rank. That is on-page SEO's strength.

Let's discuss how to make your web pages search engine friendly for Google.

How to Create SEO Content That Ranks

To design and produce content that ranks for desired keywords and drives qualified organic traffic to your website, go to this step-by-step tutorial. To get your SEO content plan off the ground, use the tips, template, and checklist.

Be Pertinent and Pick the Proper Format and Content Types

I've already concentrated on producing pertinent material. What does that mean, though? It basically means that your material ought to be pertinent to both the search engine's users and them. You must select the proper content type and formatting.

Be Relevant and Choose the Right Content Type and Format

You're planning to start a blog, for instance, regarding on-page SEO. Additionally, you need select the proper material type and format. What to do is as follows:
  • Visit your selected search algorithm (like Google).
  • Write the main query in this instance's On-Page SEO guide.
  • Observe the SERPs.
  • And consider: "What content structure and type is ranking well?"
You will then have your response. A blog post that's the kind of information that works well enough for "on-page SEO." But for information on "how to tie a tie," a video might be the right kind of content. Of course, everything relies on the intention.

A few samples of content categories are provided below:
  • Blog post
  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Table
  • Product
  • Landing page
The list keeps on. Make sure your information is both high quality and useful to the reader.

You must once more concentrate on the SERPs for content format. You must write a better "how-to" article if numerous "how-to" articles are ranking for a particular keyword. You must produce the best listicle you can if listings show on SERPs.

Please remember, though, that everything on the site is related to the user's objective.

When Writing, Keep the User's Intent in Mind

What is the user's intent, though? Users search for it when they enter a specific keyword, thus there. Additionally, it's crucial for on-page SEO. How can you learn this? You need to use common sense and SERPs analysis to acquire it.

Someone searching for a "sushi recipe," for instance, needs the recipe goddammit. The searcher is not interested in sushi's past. That's it, really! Write the sushi recipe down in detail.

Enter the search term you want to appear for on Google. Observe the pages that are already ranked there. The objective is to satisfy a user's desire to utilize a certain search phrase in search engines like Google.

Be Unique, Precise, and Thorough

Uniqueness, clarity, and specificity are the three factors that are most important for achieving the searcher's objective. If you really want to benchmark for such a keyword, make sure to fulfill these three conditions. How do you manage it? It's easy!

Just put the user's information in your clear, original material.
  • When developing material, consider many perspectives.
  • Try out various headings and titles.
  • Search for common but distinctive headings.
  • Examine the subtopics.
  • Fill in the necessary content.
  • Make use of photos, tables, bullets, and more.
And make an effort to include anything that will benefit the reader. You can add detail, clarity, and originality in this way. However, for better on-page SEO, you must incorporate all relevant keywords into your text.

Write Based on Related Keywords

No, I'm not telling you to pack your postings with keywords. But in order to score highly on search engines, you actually need to include keywords in your content. It's crucial since keywords are how search engines categorize content.

To locate all the associated keywords, follow these steps:
  • Visit the Keyword Research Tool at keywordintent.io
  • Fill in the box with your main keyword.
  • then select "Search."
Use free digital marketing tools at first, such as keywordintent.io, and upgrade afterward. You may quickly uncover lots of relevant keywords. Naturally, you may make use of the top long-tail keyword research tools, including Mangools, SEMRush, and others. However, they do so at a steep cost.

Mangools is adequate as well, but SEMRush has helped me obtain more visits. Yet, this will not mean that the only factors that affect rankings are keywords. For better on-page SEO, you must regularly monitor every page's position on search engine results pages.

Read Already Ranked Pages on SERPs

A page must be of high quality if google and other Search engines such as Bing, or Yahoo rank it on the first page. Why? It is a result of the algorithm's reliance on user behavior.

Visitors to such pages must be pleased with the information there. For the keywords, you also want to rank for, read the page ranking. And use your own creativity to mimic the strategies.

Now let's go a little more specific.

Read More: 

How to Optimize Web Pages

Without a question, creating SEO-friendly content is difficult. However, optimizing it isn't. Because I used the word "technical" in the previous paragraph, don't be scared.

How to do it? Follow these steps:
  • Include your primary keyword in the title, first paragraph, and conclusion.
  • Be Consistent While Using the Keywords Naturally Throughout Your Content.
  • Go for Short Yet Descriptive URLs.
  • Create an Awesome Meta Description With CTA.
  • Optimize Your Images for Search Engines.
  • Add Relevant Outbound and Inbound Links.
  • Search Google for featured snippet opportunities.
  • Keep an eye on the anchor text of your rivals.
  • Take Advantage of the Rich Snippets With Schema.

Top On-Page SEO Tools (2022)

Top On-Page SEO Tools (2022)

On-page SEO technologies are widely available on the market. On-the-go content optimization is made easier with these tools. Use these on-page SEO plugins if you use WordPress:
  • Yoast SEO
  • Rank Math
  • All-in-One SEO Pack
These three plugins all serve the same purpose, assisting you in real-time content optimization. For instance, they remind you, if you haven't already, to include your main keyword in your title.

For on-the-go grammatical correction, you can also use Ginger or Grammarly.

Top FAQs

It's time to address some of the frequently asked questions about on-page SEO and SEO content.

1. What are Several of the Most Crucial On-Page SEO Factors?

The title tag, meta description, header tags, picture alt text, and internal links are the most crucial on-page SEO elements.

2. How can I improve my title tag?

Your page's content should be accurately reflected in your title tag. The length should be between 50 and 60 characters. By including your target keyword and making sure it's incorporated in a way that appropriately reflects the content of your page, you may optimize your title tag.

3. How can I improve my meta description?

Your meta description should be between 150 and 160 characters long and should adequately describe the content of your website. By including your target keyword and making sure it appropriately matches the content of your website, you can optimize your meta description.

4. What is On-Page SEO?

The goal of on-page SEO is to raise your website's ranking in search engine results pages by optimizing its content, architecture, and on-page SEO components.

5. Why is On-Page SEO important?

When consumers search for relevant keywords, your website will receive more traffic as a result of improving your ranking on search engine results pages. You may increase click-through rates with on-page SEO, which will increase the number of website visitors and conversions.

6. Is On-Page SEO necessary for my website?

Not every website needs on-page SEO, but those that wish to raise their position in search engine results can benefit from it. Consult with an SEO expert if you're uncertain about whether On-Page SEO is the best option for you.

7. What are some of the best On-Page SEO tools?

The top On-Page SEO tools include Google Search Console, SEMrush, and Yoast SEO. You may enhance your website's content, organization, and more with the aid of these tools. Additionally, you can maximize your on-page prospects by using Surfer SEO and PrettyLinks.

8. What is the Best Kind of Content for SEO?

To increase the value of your good or service, combine reputable blog entries, lists, how-to manuals, videos, and infographics. If done correctly, these things will steadily raise the ranking score for your site and each of its individual pages.

Another great example of content that is SEO-friendly is a FAQ article. A FAQ page can provide comprehensive answers to a variety of user questions in a streamlined manner.

9. How Long Does SEO Take?

How soon it will take depends on a variety of factors. A longer timeline may depend on your goals, present SEO score, content, industry, location, and budget.

You should anticipate seeing benefits between 6 and 12 months, according to Semrush.